昨天老黃買了一大盒草莓回家,吃完整盒草莓後,我想找本有草莓的書和弟弟共讀。我本來要念 "THE LITTLE MOUSE, THE RED RIPE STRAWBERRY,AND THE BIG HUNGRY BEAR",但我怕他才兩歲半,搞不清楚書裡正在講話的是誰,或是到底是跟誰說話,所以我就改念這本"Strawberries are red"。
"Strawberries are red"是本簡單但色彩鮮艷的厚頁書,很適合學齡前的大寶寶或幼兒閱讀。他們可以認識各種顏色的水果,紅色的草莓,橘色的柳丁,綠色的蘋果...這些水果因為繪本的特殊設計,在最後一頁全都裝進了一個沙拉盤。除此之外,這本書還有另售Moonjin版的歌曲CD,弟弟很愛這首歌。
Strawberries are in season now ! (in Taiwan)
Yesterday my hubby bought one big box of strawberries home. After eating the WHOLE box of strawberries with my 3 kids, I wanted to read a book about strawberries with Jeremy. The first book came to my mind was "THE LITTLE MOUSE, THE RED RIPE STRAWBERRY,AND THE BIG HUNGRY BEAR",but I was not sure if he could distinguish who was talking, or who was the character being talked to, because he is 2 and a half years old after all. So I changed the "strawberry book" in to this one, "Strawberries are red".
"Strawberries are red" is a quiet simple but colorful paperboard book, it is very suitable for toddlers or young children to read. They can read colors and fruits in this book: red strawberries, orange oranges, green apples,.... and they all end up in the last page to be a bowl of salad with its special paperboard cutting. By the way, there is a read/sing along CD recorded by Moonjin Books (additional purchase), he loves the song."
Maybe I should read a dinosaur book after he eats a living dinosaur next time. (say WHAT?)
