
Dave是一隻很棒的大貓咪,就在吃了一頓豐盛的晚餐和早餐後,正當他要出門曬太陽,卻被卡在貓門裡。小蟲看見了他的冏樣,告訴花園裡的每一個小動物。雖然大家笑得美叮美噹,但還是決定要幫幫Dave。狗狗試著想要用叫聲嚇他讓他脫困,小動物們試著用美食引誘,甚至還試著搔他癢讓他出洞。突然間,小蟲想到一個奇怪又聰明的辦法,它要大家不斷地餵Dave吃豆子,就在吃了一大堆豆子後,Dave 放了一個超級大的屁,自己就像火箭一樣發射到天空,當然,這時的Dave脫困了。


If you eat too much, if you are stuck in a door, what will you do?
Dave was a big and fantastic cat. One day, he headed outside for a snooze in the sun but he was stuck in a cat flap after eating an enormous dinner and breakfast. A bug saw that, and told all the animals in the garden. Though all his friends couldn’t stop laughing, but they decided to help set Dave free. Dog tried to scare him free, others tried to tempt Dave out with tasty food, they even tried to tickle him out, but Dave was still stuck. Suddenly the bug had a strange but bright idea, he asked the animals to catapult beans into Dave’s mouth and he surely ate a lot. After being fed a lot of beans, Dave couldn’t help doing a mega fart and he blasted off into sky like a rocket. Of course, he was free after that.
Does this story remind you of any other picture books that have similar plots?

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